10th European Patients’ Rights Day
Reducing waste and inefficiency in the healthcare systems, increasing quality of patient care
The 2016 European conference of the European Patients’ Rights Day focused on the fight against waste and inefficiency in healthcare systems in Europe and on the best practices to increase the efficacy and the quality of patient care.
It has been held on Wednesday, May 4th in Brussels at the European Parliament co-hosted by MEP David Borrelli, co-Chair of the EFDD Group and MEP Pier Nicola Pedicini, EFDD ENVI Committee Coordinator. The participants were leaders of civic and patient organizations coming from 25 Countries, some of them outside the European Union, such us Albania, Russia, Macedonia, Switzerland. With them, many representatives and leaders of 18 networks at EU level, professionals and experts, companies and providers, public relation agencies and other relevant stakeholders.
During the conference has been analyzed what has been done and what is been doing about it all around Europe and what is the role and the contribution of public and private sectors on it, as well as the ones of the civic society and patient organizations. It has been be also distributed the report of the European research carried out to find the good practices in this context. Some of the gathered good practices were showed and discussed.
The registration of the entire event could be seen here
The biographies of the speakers can be read here
Here below the programme and all the showed presentations:
10th European Patients’ Rights Day
Reducing waste and inefficiency in the healthcare systems, increasing quality of patient care
4 May 2016, 09:30 - 13:30
European Parliament, Brussels - Room ASP A1E2
Chair:Neil Betteridge -independent health consultant
09:30 - 10:00 Opening Remarks and keynote Presentations
MEP David Borrelli - Co-Chair of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
MEP Piernicola Pedicini - EFDD ENVI Committee Coordinator
Mariano Votta - Director of Active Citizenship Network
10:00 - 10:40 Overview
Stéphane Vandam - Public Health Officer of World Health Organization
Paul Vincke - Managing Director of European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network
Cristiana Montani Natalucci - Italian Tribunal for Patients’ Rights, Italy
10:40 - 11:40 The good practices about transforming health care overcoming inefficiencies and waste (1st PART)
The power of Technology :
No Delays: transforming delivery of health services and reducing reliance on traditional clinical interactions”- Jamie Hogg - Clinical Lead for Modernisation, NHS Grampian, Scotland
“National Development of Electronic Cancer Referral System in the Republic of Ireland”- Eileen Nolan Shortiss - National Cancer Control Programme, Ireland
“Use of a software to optimize the surgical process and to assure traceability of procedures in a high throughput orthopedic hospital” - Giuseppe Banfi - Scientific Director of IRCCS Galeazzi, Italy
Questions and answers
The power of a better organizational management:
“How does lean work in emergency care?”- Pamela Mazzocato - Medical Management Centre “Karolinska Institutet”, Sweden
“NHS Future Focused Finance (FFF) programme” - Virginia Minogue - Research lead, FFF programme, England
Questions and answers
11:50 - 12:30 The good practices about transforming health care overcoming inefficiencies and waste (2nd PART)
The power of Patient Engagement:
“PDTA: assistential and diagnostic-therapeutic paths “- Salvatore Leone - Amici Onlus, National Coalition of Associations for Patients suffering Chronic Diseases (CnAMC), Italy
The power of network:
“How can we use the “CHAIN” to increase value and reduce waste?” - David Evans - Contact, Help, Advice and Information Network (CHAIN), UK
Questions and answers
12:15 - 13:00 Round table:
MEP Giovanni La Via - EPP (video message)
Bert Van Caelenberg - Vice President of Health First Europe
Douglas Gregory - Member of EFPIA Heath Systems Working Group
Maarten de Wit - European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)
Antonio Longo - European Economic and Social Committee
13:00 - 13:15 Questions & Answers
13:15 - 13:30 Vytenis Andriukaitis - European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety (to download the speech, please click here)
13:30 Closing Remarks
Antonio Gaudioso - Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva
For more information on the European conference and the Good Practices collection please write to Daniela Quaggia
Take action!
Please give us your feedback on the conference by filling in this brief on line questionnaire and tell us the topic you would you like to suggest for the next European Patients’ Rights Day!
The conference is realized thanks to the support of:
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