Did you know that you could take #VaccinAction today, protecting you and those around you from disease?
Vaccines prevent diseases that could otherwise cause serious health problems, protecting adults, families, friends, communities and healthcare systems.
Vaccination is not just necessary to combat COVID-19. It’s essential to reduce the spread of influenza, meningitis, pneumococcal diseases, rubella, hepatises and many other harmful diseases, which can result in long term health consequences.
Did you know that:
- Roughly 1 in 5 pregnant women with rubella infections miscarry. A further 9 out of 10 babies born to mothers who had rubella in early pregnancy, will suffer from congenital rubella syndrome, which can cause deafness, heart defects and learning difficulties.
- Diphtheria kills 1 in every 10 adults who get it. And can lead to organ damage, suffocation and permanent skin damage.
- 20% of people with meningococcal disease suffer from irreversible health problems such as neurological or hearing impairments and amputation.
- Influenza infects approximately ten to thirty per cent of Europe's population, causing hundreds of thousands of hospitalisations.
- Pneumococcal infections and IPDs are major causes of communicable disease morbidity and mortality in Europe and globally, with the highest burden of disease found in young children and the elderly. A large proportion of IPD is vaccine preventable.
Although vaccination remains the best defence against the spread of lots of diseases, the rise of false information and sensationalist stories has reduced peoples trust in healthcare systems and negatively impacted views on vaccination. Conspiracy theories, exposure to misinformation, and increased rates of deceitful social media consumption has led to people believing the vaccination advice from unreliable sources instead of trusted healthcare professionals.
Unfortunately, many adults have missed a vaccination, or a booster shot, putting them and those around them at risk of catching harmful diseases.
However, people can still catch up on a vaccination.
Everyone should check if they have had the nationally recommended vaccinations. Adults should be encouraged to consult a healthcare professional in case any catch-ups are needed.
Take #VaccinAction today and verify your #Vaxfacts through the European Vaccination Information Portal.
The campaign #VaccinAction2023 has been developed in the framework of VaccinAction2023 EU project.
Images of the campaign: