Protecting the value of vaccination during -and after-the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe: impact, experiences and perspectives from citizens’ and patients’ advocacy groups & relevant stakeholders
Active Citizenship Network (ACN), after the commitment on VaccinAction2021 and#VaccinAction2022, it's launching its #VaccinAction2023, focused on continuing to support the need for strengthening adults’ vaccination in Europe, protecting the value of routine immunization and its gains & activating stakeholders to engage with EU institutions and inform EU policy.
Our work on improvingvaccinationrates follow the Commission’s health priorities stated in the EU4Health 2021-2027 (as well as the fight against cancer and reducing the number of antimicrobial-resistant infections).
The idea behind all the foreseen 2023 activities is to continue to broaden the front of civil society actors & PAGs empowered and involved in vaccination policies across Europe and that the civic voice is heard at the institutional level. Our commitment, as a European network, is to engage citizens and citizens’ associations across Europe to better know and implement vaccination policies. We work to build a proper vaccine culture in particular to overcome the idea that vaccination is only needed at early ages, and to shift to a life-course vaccination approach and to a harmonized “for-life calendar” at the EU level. The adult immunization schedule has to be known, valued, spread and used in the interests of individuals and the community improving the collaboration and dialogue with all the health-relevant stakeholders and institutions, enhancing a more effective engagement of the civil society.
2023 Planned Activities focused on adult vaccination
- 2 EU training sessions: with an empowerment scope, they will be addressed to selected leaders of patients and civic associations of ACN constituency, to train them to become educators in their own community or constituency, to improve the uptake of messages intended for the protection of both individual and public health, also supporting the need to activate stakeholders to engage with EU institutions for strengthening adult vaccination acknowledgement in Europe.
I training session: 14 September 2023 | “Healthy living, healthy ageing: the burden of VPDs in the European adult population - what if we do nothing?” Read more
II training session: 14 December 2023 |”The value that vaccines bring in the AMR fight and why new-generation antibiotics alone cannot resolve the AMR crisis”. Read more and REGISTER HERE - EU institutional event, to inform EU policy, hosted by the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare” (in the second half of the year to look at 2024 EU elections) it will be a public event of policy dialogue on this issue, ahead of the upcoming elections, in the presence of European institutions, putting together civic, institutional and non-institutional health stakeholders.
- Communication campaign (on social media) to advocate and raiseawareness on the importance of adult vaccination at the EU level.See the campaign here
Project timeline: April -December 2023
To know more:
The engagement of Cittadinanzattiva on vaccination
For more information, please write to Daniela Quaggia: