Within the framework of the #VaccinAction2023 EU project, Active Citizenship Network held on the 14th of December 2023 the II online training event titled “The value that vaccines bring in the AMR fight and why new-generation antibiotics alone cannot resolve the AMR crisis”.
The initiative consisted of a 1,5-hour free of charge training seminar (if you missed it, see the recording here) opened to leaders of civic and patient associations from different countries and focused on the essential role of vaccines in combating Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), exploring the question of "why new-generation antibiotics alone cannot effectively address the AMR crisis."
AMR is one of the top ten threats to global health, often underestimated. It surpasses car accidents and cancer in dangerousness, but – apparently - is not a priority in EU and Member States' public health policies. Fighting antimicrobial resistance requires preventive policies and expansion of vaccination programmes. Public awareness and involvement efforts are crucial.
As always, in order to be better informed on the topic, we invited an independent expert as our lecturer: Professor Adam Cunningham, Professor of Functional Immunity at the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy at University of Birmingham and co-Director of BactiVac, the bacterial vaccines network.
Agenda and presentations (to be downloaded):
Introduction by Bianca Ferraiolo, Active Citizenship Network
Opening remarks by Mariano Votta, Active Citizenship Network
“Vaccination of adults to reduce AMR” by Prof. Adam Cunningham, University of Birmingham
To know more on the engagement of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network on vaccination, click here.