Every individual has the right of access to all information that might enable him or her to actively participate in the decisions regarding his or her health; this information is a prerequisite for any procedure and treatment, including the participation in scientific research.
Health care providers and professionals must give the patient all information relative to a treatment or an operation to be undergone, including the associated risks and discomforts, side-effects and alternatives. This information must be given with enough advance time (at least 24 hours notice) to enable the patient to actively participate in the therapeutic choices regarding his or her state of health.
Health care providers and professionals must use a language known to the patient and communicate in a way that is comprehensible to persons without a technical background.
In all circumstances which provide for a legal representative to give the informed consent, the patient, whether a minor or an adult unable to understand or to will, must still be as involved as possible in the decisions regarding him or her.
The informed consent of a patient must be procured on this basis.
A patient has the right to refuse a treatment or a medical intervention and to change his or her mind during the treatment, refusing its continuation.
A patient has the right to refuse information about his or her health status.