Cittadinanzattiva presented on July 11, the focus "Intermittently energy" Report PiT Services, 2013, work that deals with what is reported by the citizens in the context of energy and environment sector (water, electricity, gas and waste materials). Of 9,633 reports in 2012 to 30% related to this area.
At the same time, the new EU Directive on conciliation appears in the Official Gazette, and the mediation returns in Italy. It is not an accidental timing, the return to mandatory mediation was inevitable. The Wise of Napolitano, the Governor of the Bank of Italy, the European Commission (on the occasion of the notification of the spill from the infringement procedure), Confindustria, of course, and over 900 mediation bodies, lawyers and judges such as Santacroce and other, asked for it.
The 7th European Patients' Rights Day has been an occasion for all of us, representatives of national patient organizations, European platforms, EU and national institutions, representatives of healthcare providers etc. to share our experiences on the directive 2011/24/EU on cross border care and on patients' involvement in health policies on a multi-stakeholder basis.
When we started the project Pain Patient Pathway Recommendations November 2012, we were not aware what impact it would have for our members regarding their input.
The European Parliament in plenary session has overwhelmingly approved the Directive about Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR and ODR Regulation that will allow consumers and companies to present EU online disputes arising out of online shopping, thanks to the ODR platform.
Definitely a victory for European consumers, but how important is the reconciliation in the Italian political agenda?
The agreement about the lower on the European budget 2014-2020 represents a worrying step backwards in constructing a Europe of citizens. The wrong policy for cuts continues in those areas that need most: education, environment, innovation and research. In this way they can only un-do Europe!
In Italy, the inability of spending EU funds by the government is a matter above all, paradixically, concerning the less developed regions, that is to say those of the South, with a use of resources by an average of 22.6%: in particular they are Campania (13.2%) and Sicilia (14.9%) to represent the tips behind.
After the presentation to the Senate of our dossier in terms of fuel poverty, "Energy and chronically ill", made with Acquirente Unico, the Authority for Electricity and Gas has shown not only to be able to act very quickly on important issues, but also to carefully consider the "civic" information produced by the associations.
Clinical trials: patients willing to make their data available to benefit other patients.
Less concerned about privacy and much more interested in recovery from illness and solidarity with others, cancer patients in 6 countries are willing to disseminate clinical data about their illness.
This is what happens with clinical trials. Italian privacy legislation (Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003) contributed significantly to ensuring respect for a patient's right to confidentiality, which was vociferously demanded by them and by charters establishing patient rights.
John Dalli resigned as Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy in October 2012 following an European Anti-fraud Officereport which claimed that a Maltese lobbyist had approached the tobacco producer Swedish Match and proposed to make use of his contacts with Dalli to fix the EU export ban on chewing tobacco (snus).The report claimed that, while Dalli was not involved, he knew what was going on.