This pandemic has taught us how much damage an uninformed citizen & patient who perpetrates unhealthy health-related behaviour can cause and how much, on the other hand, an informed citizen & patient can make the difference not only to his or her individual health but to the public health in general.
The 14 March 2023 from 15:00 -17:00 CET has been heald an online training seminar
realized in the framework of the project “Protecting the value of access to care during - and after - the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe: focus on antivirals” led by ACN and supported by a Pfizer’s unrestricted grant.
The training was addressed to representatives of Patients Advocacy Groups (PAGs) & civic associations coming from different European countries. In fact, among the 50 connected participants, there were representatives of Patients Advocacy Groups from several countries like Poland Netherlands, Croatia, Kosovo, Lithuania, Slovenia, Ukraine, Italy, Malta, Hungary, and Sweden but also representatives of European Institutions (Commission and ECDC), media, private sector and health care professionals. It allowed us to provide a common set of updated data, share information, identify the lessons learned but also to obtain feedback.
The topics (identified and agreed upon with patients groups & civic associations coming from different European countriesthanks to a pre-event survey):
"The value of access to care: focus on antivirals":
- Difference between infection and disease
- Treatments and approved drugs: to whom and how? The role of antivirals
- Complications of the disease, not only lungs.
- Symptoms of "Long Covid," how to identify it and what to do
- Do vaccines have a role?
- Cancer prevention and screening: the great absentees in the pandemic.
Here you can download the presentation and here watch the recording of the training
The trainers
Alessandra Medolla General Practitioner out-of-hours service, ASL Salerno, member of the National Cardiovascular area of the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care (S.I.M.G.)
Marco Vatri, General Practitioner out-of-hours, Resident in Geriatrics, at the Careggi University Hospital of Florence
Learn more about “Protecting the value of access to care during - and after - the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe: focus on antivirals” here
Cittadinanzattiva's engagement against COVID-19 here.
For more information, please feel free to contact
The project has been realized thanks to the unconditional support of Pfizer