

The positive impacts of vaccination and vaccination policies in combating the global health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) were discussed in the framework of the training seminar dedicated to antimicrobial resistance entitled “Resistenza antimicrobica: una minaccia globale. Cosa sapere per meglio affrontarla a livello locale” and realized by Active Citizenship Network on 4 July 2022.

The training seminar, held only in Italian language and targeted to Italian leaders of civic and patient associations, and more in general, to all citizens and patients, managed to discuss widely about vaccines as a truly significant tool in the fight against AMR by lowering the risks of acquiring and transmitting resistant microbes and reducing the use of antibiotics.
The event was realized in the framework of the EU project AMR Patient Alliance – developing educational repository for patient and caregiver awareness of drug resistant infections promoted by IAPO P4PS Observatory and of which Cittadinanzattiva is part through its European branch Active Citizenship Network. The main objective of the project was to increase the empowerment and awareness of citizens and patients on the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance, among which on its strong relationship with vaccination, in order to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics for as long as possible for future generations. To watch the seminar and download the materials, please visit the dedicated webpage.

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