This project, to be realized most in online modality, is focused on continuing to support the need for strengthening adult vaccination in Europe. The idea is to enhance the importance of community empowerment/confidence around vaccine choice and collaboration with the different healthcare players, always engaging citizens’ and patients’ associations across Europe to better know and implement vaccination policies.
Planned activities
3 Online Focus groups in 3 different countries: Italy, France and Spain, discussing the importance of life course vaccination, including Covid-19 lessons learned, barriers to vaccine access, options of diverse vaccine choices, and the possible change of the annual vaccination schedule.
The first planned online focus group will be held in Spanish the 26 of September 2023, organized by La Asociación Española contra la Meningitis
The second one will be held in French and organized by the Coalition for Life Course Immunisation.
The third one will be organized in Italian by Cittadinanzattiva - Tribunale per i Diritti del Malato e Coordinamento Nazionale delle Associazioni dei Malati Cronici
• Output: the output of these online focus groups will be a report containing the key insights and recommendations gained from the meetings.
Project timeline: May-December 2023
To know more:
The engagement of Cittadinanzattiva on vaccination
For more information, please write to Daniela Quaggia: