Reducing waste and inefficiency in the healthcare systems,
increasing quality of patient care
“Active Citizenship Network promotes this multi-stakeholder event since 2007, and as its Director, I am so honored to celebrate this relevant anniversary here at the EU Parliament”. With these remarks Mariano Votta, Director of Active Citizenship Network-Cittadinanzattiva opened the X European Patients’ Rights today in European Parliament, in Brussels, with leaders of civic and patient organizations coming from 25 Countries, some of them outside the European Union, such us Albania, Russia, Macedonia, Switzerland. With them, many representatives and leaders of 18 networks at EU level, professionals and experts, companies and providers, public relation agencies and other relevant stakeholders.
The event has been hosted thanks to the Members of the European Parliament David Borrelli, Co-Chair of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group, and to his colleague Piernicola Pedicini, ENVI Committee Coordinator for his group.
The 10th edition main topic was the fight against waste and inefficiency in the healthcare systems. As clearly stated by European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, “there is ample evidence of pervasive inefficiency in the process of transforming resources into health outcomes, generating economic waste and being a contributory factor for the excessive health expenditure growth”.
The World Health Organization estimated that from 20% to 40% of all the health spending is wasted through inefficiency.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimates that average life expectancy could increase by about 2 years in Europe, if resources were used more efficiently.
Consequently, reducing inefficiencies can lead to substantial gains.
Up to Active citizenship network, waste in the National Health Service is any activity, behavior, good and service that uses resources, without producing results in terms of health, wellness and quality of life as established by the European Charter of Patients' Rights.
There is another and more relevant reason that suggests us to address this topic: we believe that citizens play an active role in the fight against inefficiencies. This is a must for my organization at all levels, included in our corporate vision, as underlined in the following statement:
"Cittadinanzattiva – Active Citizenship Network believes that citizens have the power, by organizing themselves, to overcome conditions of subordination and violation of their rights, to build a world where no human being is excluded and no common good is wasted", declared Antonio Gaudioso, general secretary of Cittadinanzattiva.
For us, waste is a cross-cutting issue, which refers to the way in which common goods are used and, more specifically, to their selfish and inappropriate use: this happens when economic, environmental, landscape or human resources are underused, abandoned, deprived of value and of their planning skills.Having a negative impact on those resources, waste - of whatever type - damage common goods and limit citizens’ rights, especially those of future generations.
In this sense, the joint efforts of all the social stakeholders (institutions, businesses, experts, media, civic organizations and individuals) are crucial to fight waste in an effective and permanent way.
There are many actions that citizens can undertake to fight waste, and fighting against waste in healthcare, both citizens and patients can play a key role by acting as sentinels to track and report corruption, irregularities and inefficiency; they can even contribute to the reduction of waste by adopting responsible behaviors and effective lifestyles, respecting the rules of access to health services; adhering to therapeutic paths and consciously using drugs.
In general, being committed to the proper allocation of all resources, to the promotion of real and non-formal transparency of public administration, to contrasting inefficiencies, corruption, to ensuring that “economic savings actually remain in health” from our point of view means protecting the right to health for everyone and protecting the National Health Service in each Member State as a common good.
Institutions at different level, citizens and patients through their organizations, professionals, public and private sector, must work together to achieve these goals. We believe that many actors are already doing their part to fight against waste and inefficiency. The main part of the conference will be dedicated to the presentation of these good practices that should be valued (the full report can be downloaded from the website The report is based on 22 examples coming from 10 Countries. Most of them are related to the fighting of “inefficiently delivered services”. Other to the “missed prevention opportunities” and to the “excessive administrative costs”.
Only three good practices reported about “unnecessary services”.
The main actors of the gathered good practices are “health professionals”(14/22), followed by the “health care organizations” (12/22) and “Institutions” directly involved in the development of healthcare services. An important role is also played by the universities, patients’ organizations and patients.
The secret of their success often lies in the ability to collaborate with private and public sectors.
The 10th European Patients’ Rights Day was realized thanks to the support of: Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis Oncology and Roche.
Launched in 14 EU Countries a communication campaign
on cross-border healthcare
A European communication campaign on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare kicks off in 14 EU Member States. The initiative is promoted by Active Citizenship Network andwill be officially presented to the EU Institutions on 3 May 2016 at the European Parliament in Brussels.The event will take place in room ASP A7H1 from 16:30 to 18:30, and it will be hosted by the MEP David Borrelli, Co-Chair of the EFDD Group and Co-Founder of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare”.
The representative office to the EU of Cittadinanzattiva and its European branch, Active Citizenship Network, will have the opening ceremony on next 12th May.
For the Italian civic association Cittadinanzattiva it represents a new and relevant effort. First of all, it shows how important for its work and strategies is the European dimension.
The office is at Rue Philippe Le Bon 46 on the ground floor.
Brussels, May 15 2012
6th European Patients’ Rights Day: Active Ageing at the center of EU Health Policy. In Brussels civic organisations and policy makers to boost European elderly citizens participation.
Active Ageing Citizens at the center of EU Health Policy. This is the title of the 6th Patients’ Rights Day, started today in Brussels at EESC, and promoted by Active Citizenship Network ( The event will end tomorrow with a session hosted by The National Museum of Natural Sciences. News and updates on twitter with #EPRD hashtag and on facebook page.
Thanks to the increasing focus on patient empowerment, political leaders become more aware of the vital role nurses play in empowering patients/citizens in the process of continuity of care. EHealth services start playing a crucial role in integrated care.
On the International Nurses’ Day, which falls together with the celebration at the European Parliament of the 9th Edition of the European Patients’ Rights Day, both EFN-European Federation of Nurses Associations and ACN-Active Citizenship Network advocate for a highly educated, supported and developed nursing workforce in the right numbers to deliver person-centred care in which eHealth services are oriented to support better patient/citizens outcomes.
Civic societies and patient organizations together with Members of the EU Parliament strengthen the protection of patients’ rights in the European framework: this is the main message coming from the celebration of the IX Edition of the European Patients' Rights Day, organized as always by Active Citizenship Network, the EU branch of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva.
The event took place today at the EU Parliament, co-hosted by MEP David Borrelli Co-Chair EFDD Group, and MEP Gianni Pittella, Chair of S&D Group.
"European Patients’ Rights Day: Make it official!”
Active Citizenship Network along with 80 civic and patient associations from within and outside the European Union are calling to the new EU Parliament to bring to your attention on the institutionalization of the European Patients’ Rights Day.
The message will be launched in occasion of the IX Edition of the European Patients’ Rights Day, that will take place tomorrow May 12th at the EU Parliament in Brussels (ASP, Room A1E2, from 9.15 to 13.30).
The recognition of Patients’ Rights across the European Union is due to an increasing demand from European citizens and the reinforcement of these rights will become effective only with the cooperation and commitment of all the stakeholders in each EU country. Thus it is essential to increase awareness regarding the importance of patients’ rights and everyone’s responsibilities in guaranteeing their respect.
"European Patients’ Rights Day: Make it official!”
Timing: Monday, 11th May: 14.30 – 15.00
Venue: The European Parliament, Brussels, Press Room Paul-Henri Spaak, 0A050
MEP David Borrelli, Co-Chair EFDD Group (IT) introduces the 9th celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day 2015 in collaboration with Active Citizenship Network, the promoters of the initiative, and the endorsement of more than one hundred patients organizations all around Europe.
The representative office to the EU of Cittadinanzattiva and its European branch, Active Citizenship Network, will have the opening ceremony on next 12th May.
For the Italian civic association Cittadinanzattiva it represents a new and relevant effort. First of all, it shows how important for its work and strategies is the European dimension.
The office is at Rue Philippe Le Bon 46 on the ground floor.
Antonio Gaudioso, Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva, will open the ceremony on 12th May from 6 pm onwards. There will be representatives of the European Institutions, leaders from civic and patient associations from several countries, Italian and European partners of Cittadinanzattiva and Active Citizenship Network, stakeholders.
[Press invitation]
"European Patients’ Rights Day: Make it official!”
Press conference to present the IX Edition of the European Patients' Rights Day
Timing: Monday, 11th May: 14.30 – 15.00
Venue: The European Parliament, Brussels, Press Room Paul-Henri Spaak, 0A050
MEP David Borrelli, Co-Chair EFDD Group (IT) introduces the 9th celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day 2015 in collaboration with Active Citizenship Network, the promoters of the initiative, and the endorsement of more than one hundred patients organizations all around Europe.
This year, the European Patients’ Rights Day is dedicated on the sustainability of healthcare systems focusing on what concerns chronic diseases.