Active Citizenship Network is glad to announce that an official Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with National Patients' Organisation - Malta. The motto of this Patient Advocacy Group is: “Empowering Patients – Working With not For Patients”. National Patients' Organisation - Malta is an active participant in national and international health care discussions, and stands for patient advocacy for everyone, patients’ rights & responsibilities, health, environmental health promotion for all. NPO-Malta provides its members the opportunity to become an empowered patient for a healthy and better quality of life.
Shingles is a painful condition caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Anyone can get it, but it's most common in older people, with the highest burden of disease in those aged 50 years and over. Despite this, shingles is vaccine-preventable. Most adults will remember childhood encounters with chickenpox. Many never think about the fact that the very same virus can cause shingles later in life. 1 in 3 people will develop #shingles in their lifetime and may develop serious and long-lasting complications, impacting their quality of life as a result. Active Citizenship Network is happy to support the communication campaign led by our partner, the International Federation on Ageing (IFA), in collaboration with GSK, to raise awareness of shingles and its associated risks. Read more.
WHO is calling for input on the draft People-centred framework for addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the human health sector. The target audience for this consultation includes both experts and organizations working in the field of AMR at the country, regional, and global levels. Deadline is 14 of March. Read more
Just published the report presenting the results of the “AMR feasibility study on stockpiling” commissioned by HERA. The report constitutes a key ‘Preparatory Action’ for the setting-up of HERA, covering the intersection of two designated HERA priority areas – the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and stockpiling efforts for Medical Countermeasures. It therefore fits into the context of broader EU efforts to better understand and address shortages of existing antibiotics, as outlined in the new Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe and the EU AMR Action plan. For the download, click here and here.
In the article published by our EU media partner Innovation News Network, Cittadinanzattiva/Active Citizenship Network explores the energy crisis from the citizen perspective and the essential actions necessary to combat energy prices. With a greater role of the energy communities and purchasing groups in combating the energy crisis, but also encouraging "nudging" initiatives: a soft push that can make people act or react — & consume less energy — because they are told their neighbours or peers do so for instance, or by changing the default settings of energy devices.
Cittadinanzattiva's guide on “Energy communities and purchasing groups: How to make citizens protagonists in the energy market” aims to be a practical support for citizens who wants to know and undertake a path of change towards an alternative and more active approach to the world of energy. The guide explains what energy communities and purchasing groups are and provides a comprehensive glossary on the energy market to clarify concepts such as enhanced protection market, free market, hourly zone price and smart homes.
The National Assembly of Consumer Associations held on October 18th urged the Government to take adequate measures to cope with price increases in energy and consumer goods. It was an unprecedented meeting, which saw, alongside consumers, the participation of the most important trade unions and relevant unions of the productive sector, voluntary organizations, environmental and pro-renewable associations and representatives of photovoltaic manufacturers and energy retailers.
As part of project BlueBioChain, we report a survey aimed at consumers but also academics and people from bio-based industries, the food industry, experts at cosmeceuticals and aquaculture, and it’s on wastewater/side stream water valorisation. The survey is anonymous, and your privacy is guaranteed. The survey lasts about 12 minutes and Active Citizenship Network is glad to support its dissemination.
Active Citizenship Network has recently formalized a new media partnership with the Italian magazine “Policy & Procurement in HealthCare” (PPHC). Published by SEEd Medical Publishers, it deals with healthcare policies with a particular focus on issues related to procurement in public healthcare, innovation, and organization. The aim of the magazine is to offer a space for discussion aimed at all the actors involved in the processes concerning health policies in Italy, not only the Regions and payors but also health supervisors, hospital pharmacists, contracting stations, general and health management, districts, clinicians, PAGs. To know more about the new media partner, click here (IT language).
The People's Declaration calls for the respectful collaboration between traditional, complementary, and biomedical practices to achieve a person-centred and holistic approach to health. It fights for healthcare on the whole person, that is participative, respects individual choices and cultural diversity and integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. After the Declaration has gained broad support, it will be a valuable tool to ask the WHO for a WHA resolution on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare in 2023, to be implemented in the upcoming WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy. To know more about the Declaration, click here.