EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - III Edition - Award Ceremony
17th June 2021, 15:00 -16:30 CEST
Are you interested to contribute to co-define formal and informal solutions of intervention in disaster risk management? The consortium of the the EU project ENGAGE - which is involved also Cittadinanzattiva - is pleased to invite civic organizations to the “Knowledge and Innovation Community of Practice” (KI-CoP).
KI-CoP is an open association based on voluntary participation that allows the consortium of ENGAGE to verify activities and share outcomes with real users. By being part of the KI-CoP, participants will have access to the latest news on the topics and they will be part of a network on societal resilience.
Active Citizenship Network aims to value the good practices of citizens & PAGs’ engagement in health policies & multi-stakeholder actions to tackle the pandemic for a stronger European Health Union: starting from concrete experiences coming from different countries, involving the point of view of patients’ and civic associations, EU Institutions and experts, health professionals, public and private bodies.The ambition is to provide a message and a contribution to the discussion around the World Health Summit, that will be held on May 21, 2021.
For the second year in a row, its celebration will be realized throughan EU webinar split in 2 days: the first day is dedicated to the health challenges faced by NCDs-Non communicable diseases & non-COVID patients; the second day is focused on the resilience of HCSs and the national immunization plans during and after the pandemic.
Launched by ACN, the European Patients’ Rights Day (EPRD) was established on 18 April 2007 at the European Parliament to highlight a number of patients’ rights, drafted in the European Charter of Patients' Rights, that should be recognized, respected and implemented all around Europe. Over the years, the EPRD has become a fixed appointment hosted in the EU Parliament and included in the EU agenda (some examples by EU Commission: 2013, 2014, participation & messages by Health Commissioner Andriukaitis in 2016, 2017, 2018, etc.).
Also thanks to ACN’s constituency, thee EPRD is celebrated in hundreds of local events across Europe (here some examples of the celebrations in the last 4 years, several of them also in France). ACN leads the European celebration of the EPRD with the direct involvement of the EU Institutions.
Stroke Alliance for Europe, ACN's partner for the project "Increasing consciousness and access to treatment, reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe," has launched a series of free interactive events to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and stroke survivor community, to stimulate debate, improve life after stroke care and build interest for SAFE’s 1st European Life After Stroke Forum on 11 March 2022.
The opening session on Friday 12 March 10.00-11.30 CET is titled Life after stroke: priorities, challenges and ways forward.
We will hear updates from Sweden, the UK, Ireland and Italy on people’s experiences of the impact of stroke before and during the pandemic, and how healthcare and support services have adapted to meet the challenges of post-pandemic stroke care. We will learn about new and creative ways of offering support such as using telemedicine and telerehabilitation and remote methods of looking after stroke survivors.
The Inter-Institutional Group “SDGs for well-being and consumers’ protection” has been presented during the digital conference “Making sustainability an easy choice for EU citizens” that has been held on February 16th, 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00. The event was co-organized by Active Citizenship Network, European Consumer Union and ASviS. Read more
Active Citizenship Network has been invited as relevant speaker by SEMDOR to underline the citizens and patients involvement in the struggle against chronic pain. SEMDOR is a new scientific society on pain with a multidisciplinary approach, in which doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, nurses and other health specialists interested in pain will be integrated to constitute a society in the fight against pain.
Fourth training: 26th January 2021
"Successful advocacy experiences on CVDs" 1/2
Moderator: Daniela Quaggia, Active Citizenship Network
ACN has decided to increase the awareness of a growing number of patients’ rights associations on the importance of the prevention and management of NCDs. To do so, it was launched a multi-annual EU project with the aim of increasing consciousness on correct lifestyles and access to treatment, collecting good practices and reducing the burden of Cardiovascular Diseases across Europe. The planned webinars in January will host experts and will allow us to better define our next EU campaign on the topic.
Cittadinanzattiva, trought its EU branch Active Citizenship Network has been invited as speaker to share patients emerging needs and good practices in the pain management.
Second training: 14th - 15th December 2020
from 16:30 to 18:30 cet
14th December session: “Infectious diseases prevention” (View the event registration here)
16:30 - 18:30 CET