Mark your calendars for the NIGHTINGALE Project’s online Final Event and be part of an exciting moment in the future of emergency medical response. The NIGHTINGALE Project, in which ACN is proud to be a partner, has been at the forefront of developing a cutting-edge integrated toolkit designed to revolutionize emergency medical response during mass casualty incidents. Tailored for diverse users—fire brigades, police, search and rescue personnel, volunteers, and citizens—the toolkit enhances the operational capabilities of emergency medical services and civil protection agencies.
Active Citizenship Network is delighted to invite you to the II LET's FACILITATE 2024 Webinar, an engaging exploration and roundtable discussion centered around the FACILITATE EU funded project and the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in clinical trials. This session will focus on the importance of the secondary use of data collected during these trials. Date: December 11, 2024 - Time: 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. CET. What distinguishes this online session is the diverse range of perspectives from key stakeholders. Alongside patient testimonials, we will hear insights from clinicians, representatives from industry, and regulatory bodies. This inclusive panel ensures a holistic discussion that fosters collaboration among all involved. The webinar agenda includes: a brief introduction to FACILITATE work. A Stakeholders Virtual Roundtable on how the secondary use of data impacts their lives (as citizens and patients) or professional work (as clinicians, pharma companies, regulators etc.).
Organized by the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA), the expert online roundtable discussion – which has been invited the ACN’ Director – will bring together European and global experts from across noncommunicable disease areas (NCDs), life course immunization and vaccination, healthy aging policy, economic and fiscal policy, and patient advocacy for an interactive discussion on:
As consortium member of the EU funded project BioReCer, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is delighted to invite you to a unique opportunity to learn about advancements in bio-based products certification and contribute to shaping a more sustainable future. The initiative is the BioReCer Project's II Multi-Stakeholder meeting, and it will take place on November 27, 2024, from 12:00 to 14:00 CET in the form of online EU webinar.
Organic Farming Innovations Network Europe/OH-FINE’s is a 48-month long EU funded project that aims to empower EU farmers and smallholders through the definition, enhancement and transfer of competitive and efficient organic farming knowledge and alternatives that address farmer’s capacities, consumer needs and evolving food market changes. As consortium’ member - representing the citizens-consumers’ point of view - Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network will participate to the kick off meeting of the project, planned in Madrid from 25 to 27 November.
To know more the Action plan for organic production in the EU, click here.
Also this year, the Director of ACN has been invited to the annual COLLABORATE Rare Disease Multistakeholder Summit, an unique initiative putting together patients, patient advocacy groups (PAGs), caregivers, healthcare professionals (HCPs) and policy experts to discuss how to drive change in adult-onset rare disease. Download the COLLABORATE expert consensus paper “Challenges & Opportunities in Adult-Onset Rare Diseases: Perspectives from a Global Multi-Stakeholder Expert Group”, realized also with the contribution of ACN. To know more about the past edition, click here.
In continuity with his engagement along 2023, the Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited to join the in-person EU workshop titled “Elevating the European Migraine Action Plan in the New EU Policy Mandate” focused on the “EU Migraine Action Plan”, togheter with representatives from the European Migraine and Headache Alliance (EMHA), GAMIAN-Europe, European Federation of Neurological Associations, The Migraine Trust (UK), Hooffdstuk (BE), MIGRA (PT), Alleanza Cefalalgici-Al.Ce. (IT), and La Voix des Migraineux (FR).
EU workshop
15 October 2024
In recent years, respiratory diseases have become one of the most significant health challenges of the modern world. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted this urgent health issue and called for long-term strategies to combat these diseases. Respiratory diseases are among the most common reasons for adult hospitalization, contributing to substantial direct treatment costs.
On the occasion of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of Hungary (AIPM) and Vaccines Europe organized a joint international vaccines conference focusing on lifelong immunisation and pharmaceutical immunisation. The Director of Active Citizenship network has been invited as a speaker and to participate in the roundtable discussion on life-long immunization alongside other distinguished professionals. Download his presentation.To download his presentation, click here. Download the programme. To know more, click here.
EU workshop
Brussels, 14 October 2024 | 14:30 – 19:00
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has had a major economic, health and social impact across the countries of the WHO European Region, affecting hundreds of millions of people. Although the acute phase of the pandemic has been overcome, COVID-19 has left its burden on health systems; high rates of burnout and COVID-19-related illnesses among health care workers have caused workforce dropouts, exacerbating staff shortages, increasing waiting times for patients to access services, and requiring health services to treat those who experience persistent symptoms after acute infection. These mid- and long-term disabling symptoms are collectively known as the post COVID-19 condition (PCC) or, commonly, long COVID. WHO defines this condition as the continuation or development of new symptoms three months after the initial severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, with symptoms lasting for at least two months without other explanation. According to the recent WHO Report “Service delivery models for people with post COVID-19 conditions in selected European countries: summary report”, PCC can present with a range of symptoms and more than 200 of them have been reported in the literature: what are the most common symptoms and how to recognize them? Who to refer to?