The Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited to join an in-person EU workshop, in Brussels, to collaboratively create a European Migraine Action Plan, putting forward concrete and tangible policy recommendations to improve migraineurs’ lives.
The initiative brought together leaders from the European Migraine and Headache Alliance (EMHA), the European Brain Council (EBC), the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA), the European Patients Forum (EPF), the Migraine Trust, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network (ACN), the European Institute of Women's Health (EIWH) Hoofdstuk and GAMIAN Europe.
Based on the results of the pilot studies conducted within the NUDGE project, the event will present and discuss the various policy recommendations for action derived from these studies to answer the key question. The joint initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy of the State of Baden-Württemberg and the H2020 NUDGE project offers insights and discussion on the highly topical issue of how behavioral science can be used to address the energy-saving potentials of end consumers. The aim is to introduce and promote discussion on the current results of behavioral science and the NUDGE project in the European policy dialogue. In addition, the event will provide all stakeholders with practical examples of how to reduce energy consumption through nudging and concrete policy recommendations for action.
For further information, visit the NUDGE project website.
The third online focus group, in the framework of the “Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course” EU project, will be held in Italy on the 25 of October 2023, organized by Cittadinanzattiva thanks to its Tribunale per i Diritti del Malato & Coordinamento Nazionale delle Associazioni dei Malati Cronici. Independent experts will discuss the importance of life course vaccination in their country, including Covid-19 lessons learned, barriers to vaccine access, options of diverse vaccine choices, and the possible change of the annual vaccination schedule.To know more about the initiative, please click here.
HealthTech For Care, a new Active Citizenship Network official partner, is delighted to see the return of the 5th edition of HealthTech Innovation Days (HTID#5), taking place in Paris on October 24 and 25, and virtually on October 27. The objective of HTID#5 is to provide a forum for promising European life sciences companies to accelerate their growth and bring their innovative solutions to patients faster. To register, click here.
On October 24 and 25, 2023 seven EU-funded projects (Horizon2020) will bring together on stage speakers from the EU institutions, from the projects as well as key players from the energy market, to discuss how the work done in the past 3 years can support RE-energising Europe.
The first day will focus on understanding the future of energy demand and its policy implications through new societal trends, behavioural aspects and multiple benefits through the involvement of three different projects, including NUDGE, in which Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is one of the consortium partners. On October 25 the discussion will be focused on energy communities and renewable energy, accelerating Europe’s transition towards a climate neutral, inclusive future.
The Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited as panellist on occasion of the international meeting aimed to work towards equitable care for people living with adult-onset rare diseases. He delivered a keynote presentation on patients’ rights to access care providing examples of the engagement of Cittadinanzattiva at the national level (Italy) and at the EU level on rare diseases. To download the presentation, click here. To know more Cittadinanzattiva engagement on rare disease, visit our dedicated website.
Download the Output Report summarizing key takeaways from the Summit programming, live voting results and next steps.
The second online focus group, in the framework of the “Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course” EU project, will be held in France the 27 of September 2023, organized by the Coalition for Life Course Immunisation (CLCI), official partner of Active Citizenship Network. Independent experts will discuss the importance of life course vaccination in their country, including Covid-19 lessons learned, barriers to vaccine access, options of diverse vaccine choices, and the possible change of the annual vaccination schedule. To know more about the initiative, please click here.
The first online focus group, in the framework of the “Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course” EU project, will be held in Spain the 26 of September 2023, organized by the Asociación Española contra la Meningitis, official partner of Active Citizenship Network. Independent experts will discuss the importance of life course vaccination in their country, including Covid-19 lessons learned, barriers to vaccine access, options of diverse vaccine choices, and the possible change of the annual vaccination schedule. To know more about the initiative, please click here.
Within the framework of the #VaccinAction2023 EU project, Active Citizenship Network held on the14th of September 2023, from 15:00-17:00 CEST, the online training event titled “Healthy living, healthy ageing: burden of VPDs in European adults population - what if we do nothing?”.
Vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) are diseases caused by bacteria and viruses that can be prevented by vaccines.
The initiative consisted of a 2-hour free of charge training seminar ( if you missed it see the recording) opened to leaders of civic and patient associations from different countries in order to respond – with the support of independent experts - to the need to be more updated and prepared to support and protect the value, in particular, of adult immunization and its related benefits for the protection of both individual and public health.
From 5 to 7 July 2023 the partners composing the consortium of the “NUDging consumers towards enerGy Efficiency through behavioral science” (NUDGE) project – which consists of a multidisciplinary team of 10 partners with different backgrounds and expertise - will meet to analyse the progress made so far and discuss the realization of the activities that will take place during the last months of the project duration. Cittadinanzattiva - Active Citizenship Network will participate in this plenary meeting of the project in the capacity of the only Italian partner in the consortium. To find out more, click here.