The conference, organized by Active Citizenship Network, will represent an important occasion due to the political framework: this year, for the first time at the European level, the issue of chronic pain is being put on the agenda by the EU institutions, also thanks to the active work of a number of civic associations all over Europe.
EU conference
"Chronic pain: making the invisible visible. European collection of good practices"
October 2nd, 2014
Venue: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) – Room TTRE 7701 - 7th floor,
Trèves Bulding, 74, rue de Trèves, 1040 Brussels
The ESMO Patient Track is dedicated to cancer patient groups, representatives of cancer leagues, healthcare professionals, industry representatives and caregivers. The Patient Track will open on Saturday morning, 27 September and continue throughout the day on Sunday, 28 September 2014. ACN will attend as speaker.
During the next European Mobility Week, Active Citizenship Network will organize a EU webinar next 16th of September in Rome titled “Protecting Citizens' Rights: challenges and opportunities for EU passengers”. The conference is part of the "Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union" (JoiEU) project. Based on the conference results, a set of recommendations will be made to institutions and stakeholders to facilitate mutual communication and citizen participation.
During the next European Mobility Week, Active Citizenship Network will organize a EU webinar next 16th of September in Rome titled “Protecting Citizens' Rights: challenges and opportunities for EU passengers”. The conference is part of the "Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union" (JoiEU) project. Based on the conference results, a set of recommendations will be made to institutions and stakeholders to facilitate mutual communication and citizen participation.
Day of Citizens for Europe in Rome, Italy
Protecting Citizens' Rights: challenges and opportunities for EU passengers
Rome, 16th September 2014
Transnational Mobility is the concrete application of one of the main citizens' rights, the free movement of people, guaranteed by the Treaties to EU citizens' since the beginning of the European construction. It is one of the factors which have contributed to the building of a common European identity.
Over the years, the EU has developed a strong policy in this area, which aims at fostering clean, safe and efficient travel throughout Europe, underpinning the internal market of goods and the right of citizens to travel freely throughout the EU.
Mobility is a major challenge for the development of a sustainable economy, which is one of the 3 primary objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% does actually entail the development of a new mobility strategy, promoting transport modalities with a low impact on the environment.
Finally, public transports are a key question for many European citizens, who use them daily to reach their workplace and/or to carry out their other activities. They are thus interested in the development of accessible and efficient public transports, respectful of passengers' and users' rights. This is the reason why civic activism is especially developed in this field through informal groups (such as commuters groups) or more structured and permanent organisations (e.g. Public transport users associations, Consumer associations, etc.).
To sum up, the Mobility is:
The event, the first of three annual meetings, provides stakeholders and end users with the opportunity to appraise MOPACT’s interim findings, and to contribute their own ideas and guidance about innovative ways to develop the work and maximize its impact. ACN was invited. Read more
Let’s stop the action of Governments throughout Europe: with their policies they are destroying the public health and forced it to a destiny of poverty. Healthcare and its development should, instead, become a priority for the European governments, as the operability of the Health Services has an irreplaceable role in the development and stabilization of Society.
The 7th health conference concerning patient rights in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine will be held on the Province of Limburg, in Maastricht. It is organized by EPECS, European Empowerment for Customised Solutions, a collaboration of regional patient organisations who want to give their participants a powerful voice in the increasingly developing cross-border and European healthcare.
The debate is promoted by Avatud Eesti Fond (Open Estonia Foundation) and it is organized in the framework of the EU project “Joint Citizen Action for Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Europe”. ACN is a partner of this EU project, funded by the European Union.