The official launch of the campaign was held on 3 May 2016 at the European Parliament in Brussels, and was hosted by MEP David Borrelli, Co-Chair of the EFDD Group and Co-Founder of the Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-border Healthcare”.
The meeting was a debate among civic and patient associations from different Member States, EU Commission-Cross-border healthcare & e-Health Unit, experts in the field of civil rights, Institutional representatives, National Contact Points and several stakeholders at EU level.
"The challenges of chronic diseases and patients’ rights in the framework of EU healthcare sustainability"
9th European Patients’ Rights Day
12 May 2015
Room A1E2, European Parliament, Altiero Spinelli Palace (Place du Luxembourg), 1047 Brussels
The Event has been co-hosted by MEP David Borrelli Co-Chair of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group and MEP Gianni Pittella, Chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
Chair: Hans Martens, European Policy Centre
9.15 – 9:50 Opening Remarks and keynote Presentations:
A joint initiative of Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) and European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA). The Interest Group will be co-chaired by MEPs Marian Harkin, JeroenLenaers and Daciana Octavia Sârbu, and the launch will take place at European Parliament with a cocktail reception at the members’ salon (18.00 – 20.00HRS).
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) is organizing a Workshop on Counterfeit Medicines titled “Integrated approach against fake medicines”. on 6 February 2015 in Chinese Taipei. The workshop will be held in partnership with the Taiwan Food and Drug Regulatory on margins of the 8th Asian Regulatory Conference (ARC)” Advancing Best Practices for Regulatory Review and Submission in Asia” 4-5 February 2015.
The conference will explore the new possibilities for democracy in the digital age. Particular attention will be paid to recent experience and future potential for crowdsourcing legislation. It is the final event of the EU project ”JoiEU” in which Active Citizenship Network is partner
The initiative aims to identify the female personalities who played a crucial role in the construction of the European Union and it is organized by the research group “Young Leaders” of the Luigi Sturzo Institute, in collaboration with the European Institute for Gender Equality of Vilnus and with the support of the European Commission and the European branch of Cittadinanzattiva, Active Citizenship Network. For more information and accreditation:
Cittadinanzattiva will participate in the event organised by The Italian Society of hospital pharmacy and pharmaceutical services of primary (Società Italiana di Farmacia Ospedaliera e dei Servizi Farmaceutici delle Aziende Sanitarie – SIFO) on the clinical governance of patients affected with pain, on the appropriateness of therapies and on equal access to palliative care and pain therapies.
The European Branch of Cittadinanzattiva Active Citizenship Network (ACN) will participate to the work of “Civic Dialogue to strengthen European Citizenship”. The main topics will be: equality and dialogue among citizens and young leaders involved in the active citizenship.
The event wants to share successful fundraising as way of philanthropy and support of the civil society activities: donors and giving (corporate, individual donors, EU support of the civil society etc.). It is organized by, p.b.c and it is part of the EU project ”JoiEU” in which Active Citizenship Network is partner.