All we are aware that sustainability would be achieved if we enhance the cost-efficiency of our healthcare systems. Value added medicines provide a responsible answer to some of the challenges that patients and payers are facing and can improve budget efficiency, taking also into consideration that their benefits apply to a large variety of therapeutic areas, including rare diseases. Also for this reason, Active Citizenship Network thanks Medicines For Europe for having involved civic and patient organisations to debate on a topic - value added medicines - which is still far from being considered from the wide public. In fact, last 21 of November 2017, Active Citizenship Network officially supported, together with European Federation of Neurological Associations and European Huntington Association, the “My Voice Matters!” exhibition at EU Parliament, promoted by Medicine for Europe-Value Added Medicines Group.
A smart energy system for consumers, consumers for a smart energy system
The European Sustainable Energy Weeks (EUSEW) is a series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. In this framework, Cittadinanzattiva Onlus/Active Citizenship Network has co-organised a session entitled “A smart energy system for consumers, consumers for a smart energy system” the 21 June at 14:00 in the Passage Room of the Residence Palace, Brussels.
Cittadinanzattiva Onlus/Active Citizenship Network, European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers-CECED, the Smart Energy Demand Coalition-SEDC and European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation-ECOS have joined forces for a policy session that will introduce to you different experts working on the development of a smart energy system for active and engaged consumers: from citizens to industry, to environmental NGOs to policy makers.
These experts will bring an interesting mix of different perspectives to the table, as they will share practical experiences and explore the results of various “on-the-ground” smart energy projects, smart technologies, appliances and applications across the EU.
The 6th event of the Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) will address anyone involved in pain policy e.g. healthcare professionals, politicians, representatives of pain advocacy groups, insurances, health authorities, regulators and budget holders.
European & National Medicines Regulatory Systems:
challenges for an equitable, timely and suitable access to innovation
10th May 2017, 10:00 – 14:00
European Economic and Social Committee - Room VMA1
rue Van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels
1 March 2017, 10:30 - 12:30 AM
Room ASP 7H1 - European Parliament, Brussels
10:00 – 10:30 Registration & Accreditation
Meeting point: Altiero Spinelli (ASP) entrance from Place du Luxembourg
Chair: Lucie Robson – Senior Editor
To reduce greenhouse effect gas emission at least of the 20% compared to 1990 levels; to get the 20% of the whole energy from clean energy; to improve energetic efficiency of the 20%. Which role can play citizens to contribute to reach these EU goals in climate and energy issues in the coming years and decades?
On 30 November 2016, the European Commission presented its “Clean Energy for All” package, a set of policy initiatives and legislative proposals that aim to help the EU reach the 40% decarbonisation target by 2030.
Between the development of crowdfunding and the introduction of prosumer concept, how the European Institutions encourage citizens’ participation in this area? What are the most significant successful experiences in Europe? What are the limits and the potentiality? How to ensure adequate protection to the different market players?
May 3rd 2016, 16:30 - 18:30
Room ASP A7H1 - European Parliament, Brussels
Interpreting available (IT - EN)
16:00 - 16:30 Registration & Accreditation
Meeting point: Altiero Spinelli (ASP) entrance from Place du Luxembourg
Chair:Stephen McMahon - Irish Patients Association
The official launch of the campaign was held on 3 May 2016 at the European Parliament in Brussels, and was hosted by MEP David Borrelli, Co-Chair of the EFDD Group and Co-Founder of the Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-border Healthcare”.
The meeting was a debate among civic and patient associations from different Member States, EU Commission-Cross-border healthcare & e-Health Unit, experts in the field of civil rights, Institutional representatives, National Contact Points and several stakeholders at EU level.