The debate is promoted by Avatud Eesti Fond (Open Estonia Foundation) and it is organized in the framework of the EU project “Joint Citizen Action for Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Europe”. ACN is a partner of this EU project, funded by the European Union.
Just the day before the publication of the Green Paper on mHealth, a very successful General Assembly of the ENS4Care project took place in Brussels on 09 April 2014 at the Microsoft premises, gathering 24 partner organisations from all over Europe. Representatives from nurses, social workers, patients, doctors, citizens, women, students and industry met to work together and exchange views on the numerous practices collected and on the development of the future EU guidelines for nurses and social workers for the deployment of eHealth services.
MEP Petru Luhan, winner of the MEP Award for Health 2013, invites citizens and stakeholder to find out more about chronic pain, the stigma of invisible suffering and the huge economic burden on Europe. The appointment will be held in the European Parliament, ASP Building. Read more
Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is scheduling a EU conference on mobility and passenger rights. The event will be the occasion for a constructive dialogue among citizens, institutions, public and private companies, from data and recommendations emerged from the civic process of participation and consultation made. Read more and visit the project Mobility, a paradigm of European citizenship.
The Day is now a fixed appointment for thousands of students across Italy, as well as the flagship event of the national campaign "IMPARARESICURI" promoted by the school sector of Cittadinanzattiva to inform and raise awareness on safety at school.
On the eve of the entry into force of the Directive on cross-border care, a delegation of Active Citizenship Network will deliver to DGSANCO a document on the state of the art in several European countries.
The Forum is organized by Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) and Active Citizenship Network (ACN) in the framework of the project “Pain Patient Pathway Recommendations”, and it will be the occasion to develop Recommendations to improve the quality of care for the non-cancer-related chronic pain patients in Europe.
The Patients'Forum organized by Active Citizenship Network and Pain Alliance Europe last 22-23 October, 2013 it was the occasion to develop concrete proposals for the improvement of pain management in Europe: recommendations against pain, according to the patients point of view, for a good Health policy on chronic pain relief. With the Patients' Forum it started the II step of the project "Pain patients' pathway recommendations".
The 8th International Evidence Based Health Policy Consultant (EBHC) Symposium titled “HTA & Efficient Management of Basic Benefit Package” is an important HTA meeting for Central and Eastern Europe.
“Access to the best care and prevention: Fighting chronic disease in Turkey” is the title of the conference organized by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) and the Association of Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD). Cittadinanzattiva will speak on the issue of patients’ involvement.