“Access to the best care and prevention: Fighting chronic disease in Turkey” is the title of the conference organized by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) and the Association of Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD). Cittadinanzattiva will speak on the issue of patients’ involvement.
The Citizen’s Summit is organized by a cross-sectorial coalition of NGO actors (The European Public Health Alliance and eight platforms forming the Civil Society Contact Group), with the goal of bringing together for the first time professionals, practitioners and activists from across different sectors (culture, development, education, environment, health, human rights, social affairs and women’s rights) to discuss the future of Europe.
The European Economic and Social Committee, together with local partners, will be holding a conference on "Food for citizens – from a common agricultural policy to a common food policy". The event will bring two distant cities, Dublin and Vilnius, together in a debate and will give you – wherever you might be in the world – an opportunity to join the conference online.
The event is promoted by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) and AIFD and it will host interventions of international experts and civic associations, including Active Citizenship Network.
This initiative, organized by The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), is focused on stimulating robust discussions about health data reuse at the global level. Several stakeholder-specific engagements and events are being planned throughout 2013.
Following three European SIP symposia between 2010-2012, this year for the first time the SIP Programme Committee has decided to invite us to the so-called "SIP Focus Groups", which will take place on 14th and 15th May 2013 in Brussels in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and in the EU Parliament. The two Focus Groups will concentrate on two topics: "Pain as Quality Indicator of Outcome" and "Chronic Pain in the Working Population".
Organized during the Festival of Europe, the event is dedicated to the presentation of an elaborated report by Cittadinanzattiva and Fondazione Etica. The objective is to make data and information about administrative activity gathered by citizens and workers, available to citizens, central and local public administration workers, the Government and all the stakeholders.
Culture Action Europe's International Conference “Act for Culture, act for Europe”, will take place on the 9th and 10th of November in Brussels. It will be an occasion to discuss future challenges for the arts and culture together, as well as how to foster new models of sustainable development.
The conference will take place in the European Parliament and is organized by European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), and Bulgarian ProInfo Foundation. During the Conference, ACN will present its activities.
15-16 May 2012
First Day, 15th of May
Van Maerlant Building, Room VM3 - 2nd floor 2, rue Van Maerlant, Brussels
Registration and welcome coffee