To discuss with the national Institutions, inform the public opinion and to compare their experience with the ones coming from other Countries, civic and patients Associations linked to Active Citizenship Network have promoted public events. In particular:
The timing of this year SIP symposium is scheduled to coincide with the Italian Presidency of the EU council as during this period for the first time ever all EU Health Ministers will be discussing the societal burden of Chronic Pain and Palliative Care and will be actively debating on how to address this health policy priority in the next years.
Active Citizenship Network will participate on October 22nd in the ENS4Care General Assembly where new guidelines on new technologies for prevention and E-Health concerning nurses and other health professionals will be presented. For more information, please visit here.
For the Sustainability and the New Automotive Value Chain, Active Citizenship Network participated at the International Symposium on Sustainability on 16-17 October 2014 held at the Venice International University.
In 2012 the Minister of Health of Catalonia promoted the Advisory Council of Catalonia Patients, a permanent organ of consultation and participation of the representatives of patients of the Catalan healthcare system in the process of elaboration, decision and development of the Department of Health policies. On October 17th, the Council will organize its Second Annual Conference under the slogan “sharing to improve”.
Alcantara S.p.A, is organizing an international symposium titled Sustainability and the New Automotive Value Chain. Some of the established players in the automotive industry will be represented. The World Bank also features at the event, as well as some experts from academia and Active Citizenship Network representing the point of view of citizens at the European level.
The 2014 NECE Conference will address challenges in Europe against the background of its history of war and conflict in the 20th century. It will try to understand how citizenship education can deal with the big variety of conflicts in and around Europe nowadays.
International experts representing industry and patients associations will meet on October 16th in Brussels to take part in the Forum organized by EuropaBio in which the European Network of Cittadinanzattiva, Active Citizenship Network (ACN) is partner. Among the topics of discussion there is the introduction of a New EuropaBio Code of Conduct of cooperation between industry and patients associations.
For the Sustainability and the New Automotive Value Chain, Active Citizenship Network participated at the International Symposium on Sustainability on 16-17 October 2014 held at the Venice International University.
Active Citizenship Network presented a research on a survey in 8 countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain) on the following four topics: social sustainability, economical sustainability, environmental sustainability and passenger rights.
Partners Albania-Center for Change and Conflict Management is organizing a cross-border debate on the Development of Social Enterprises. The conference is part of the “Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union” (JoiEU) project, in which Active Citizenship Network is a partner. The debate will include sections on Social Enterprise and employment, the environment for social enterprises in Albania and in the EU and will outline good practices.