In line with its long-standing commitment at the national and European level on energy issues, for the fifth year in a row Cittadinanzattiva has been formally invited by the European Commission to the annual edition of the Citizen's Energy Forum.
The European Commission is organizing - with the support of the Irish Commission for Regulation of Utilities - the 2021 edition of the Citizen’s Energy Forum as a “hybrid” event, on 08-09 of December 2021 at the NHow Brussels Bloom hotel in Brussels.
Active Citizenship Network has been invited by its partner The Excellence in Pediatrics Institute (EIPI) to join the above-mentioned annual Summit.
17 December 2021
11.00 to 12.30 CET
Europe is focused on the digital decade. In health and care, the spotlight is on the use of the digital and the use of data. Movement is taking place from discussions about the patients’ own access to their health and care data and the new orientation is towards citizen’s control of much wider forms of data. As a result, many questions are pending about citizens’ capacity to share this data and what to get in return.
Active Citizenship Network has been invited to attend the 2021 DRIVE Forum, that will take place in the format of a single webinar. This year's DRIVE Annual Forum will revolve around the different initiatives and platforms that are being developed in Europe and beyond to manage the monitoring of influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, a crucial topic for the long-term sustainability of the DRIVE project (Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness). In order to participate in the webinar, please click here.
Vaccines Today was launched a decade ago, in the wake of the 2009/2010 flu pandemic. During that global outbreak, there was an absence of positive vaccine advocacy on websites and social media. Ten years later, Vaccines Today’ project has grown and the need for high-quality information about vaccines is greater than ever. For these reasons, Active Citizenship Network is happy to celebrate its anniversary and so it has well accepted the invitation to join the panel discussion of the above-mentioned EU webinar, that is part of the 10-year anniversary campaign of Vaccines Today, a strong media partner of Active Citizenship Network at the EU level. Click here to join the event.
The Heart Failure Policy Network, one of the experts’ associations working with Active Citizenship Network in the commitment on the fight against CVDs at the EU level, is presenting, from 16 to 18 November 2021, the inaugural Heart Failure Policy Summit, an online conference bringing together patient advocates, healthcare professionals, clinical leaders, policymakers and other key figures in system transformation across Europe.
The EU webinar builds on the results of the first EU Project NUDGE activities and especially on the Europe-wide online survey – realized thanks to the great commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network and its constituency – made available in 15 languages and completed by persons in 29 countries which broke fresh ground in the study of energy-related behaviour by operationalizing three theoretical models of human behaviour. The results of the survey, presented in the first NUDGE report, were used to profile energy consumers all across Europe and understand their behaviour in relation to energy efficiency and energy transition more in general.
Active Citizenship Network (ACN) is glad to invite you on 29th of October 2021, from 11.00 to 13.00 CEST, to the EU training webinar entitled "Stroke prevention & life after stroke, during the pandemic".
The event is realized in the framework of the project EU PAGs & citizens together in the fight against stroke on the occasion of the World Stroke Day: we will talk about stroke prevention, and life after stroke, with concrete examples of activities and tools that can improve the lives of patients and caregivers.