Exploring the benefits of health data sharing for patients,
healthcare systems and medical research at EU level
Date TBD: 13 OR 15 May, 2025
European Parliament, Brussels
Further information will follow in due course
The OH-FINE project aims to jointly create and share knowledge between European researchers and producers. OH-FINE will identify efficient, healthy, organic and viable alternatives for small farm food production. All this information will then be disseminated and shared at a wider level.
The pandemic emphasized the importance of public health at the top of the political agenda and showed the very tangible ways in which the European Union can complement and add value to national policies to improve citizens' daily lives and well-being. This approach meets the clear expectations of citizens when it comes to protecting and promoting their health. The latest Eurobarometer and Public Opinion surveys have shown that health is among the top priorities of European citizens. The European Health Union was created to meet their expectations. Investing in health always pays off. The pandemic has shown how public health is a prerequisite for the functioning of societies and economies.
co-OPERATOR is an innovative Horizon EU4Health funded project that aims to develop a Country-Observatory to share best practices for vaccination promotion.
Indeed, European stakeholders face significant variability in addressing vaccination hesitancy and implementing COVID-19 vaccination campaigns among healthcare providers and the general population. Challenges include widespread hesitancy within the population and variations in the communication skills of healthcare providers. To address these issues, cross-country initiatives play a crucial role in knowledge-sharing, especially considering the observed differences in vaccine coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The co-OPERATOR project seeks to capitalize on research findings by developing and piloting a knowledge hub, virtual observatory, and training system across participating countries and beyond. This proof-of-concept initiative aims to gather, structure, and disseminate knowledge, best practices, and resources related to stakeholders’ strategies for COVID-19 vaccination and beyond. The primary focus lies in advancing communication and knowledge skills while addressing systemic barriers and facilitators for effectively promoting vaccination messages to the population.
Protecting the value of vaccination after the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe: impact, experiences and perspectives of citizen & patient advocacy groups
Welcome to #VaccinAction 2024, the fourth edition of our EU project dedicated to strengthening adult vaccination in Europe and protecting the value of routine immunization and its benefits.
Combining the protection of patients' rights with skills shortage, medical desertification and job strain.
The key role of HCPs for a healthier Europe.
20 March 2024 | 16:30 – 18:30
Room ASP 3H1 | European Parliament, Brussels
Also this year, Active Citizenship Network will celebrate the European Patients' Rights Day - which has reached its 18th edition - with a conference that will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 20 March from 16:30 to 18:30, kindly hosted by MEP Brando Benifei (S&D) and organised with the support of the MEPs Interest Group "European Patients' Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare".
for more information please write to
To read the programme of the conference, click here
Introduction and aim of the initiative
15 million people work in health occupations, representing over 7% of the EU workforce and almost 4% of the EU population. The role of healthcare professionals (HCPs) is undeniably pivotal. However, their significance seems to be inadequately emphasized in the political sphere: whether in the NRRPs, the conclusions of the Conference for the Future of Europe, or pre-election debates.
As part of the European Year of Skills, the Commission's Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) report 2023 puts a special focus on the analysis of labour shortages and skills gaps also in the health sector.
Projects funded under the EU4Health Work Programme (among others, the “AHEAD” project and the Joint Action ”HEROES”) have addressed the persistent labour shortage in the health sector, while a widespread civic survey on health workers - conducted in Italy by Cittadinanzattiva - investigated how 10.000 workers belonging to 20 health professions experience their condition, outlining the contours of what is a real "health workforce emergency”.
Is your Government ready for another pandemic? The overall intention of the survey is to gather responses from general population and healthcare professionals (HCPs) in several countries, starting from U.S., on their perceptions of readiness for future public health threats related to infectious diseases (including future pandemics/endemics).
Intimate health conditions affect a large portion of the European population. Among them, more than 700.000 live with a stoma. Despite the large number, they feel that they are invisible to society, mainly due to the lack of:
Consult the webinars’ cycle calendar (IT)
With the outbreak discovered in Codogno at the end of February 2020, Italy was the first European country to be hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, an emergency unparalleled in contemporary history, faced in the total absence of previous experience and consolidated procedures and n conditions of a severe shortage of health resources to be deployed.
Three years later, the current scenario has changed dramatically. The data on new cases and deaths from Covid-19, published by the Istituto Superiore Sanità, continue to fall, as in the rest of Europe, according to the Ecdc (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control).
The low incidence of cases and the high level of immunisation (many people have undergone anti-Covid vaccines and have been infected with Sars-Cov-2) have now led to a phase of 'coexistence' with the virus, thanks also to a greater ability to manage the disease.
This project, to be realized most in online modality, is focused on continuing to support the need for strengthening adult vaccination in Europe. The idea is to enhance the importance of community empowerment/confidence around vaccine choice and collaboration with the different healthcare players, always engaging citizens’ and patients’ associations across Europe to better know and implement vaccination policies.